The Harry Potter TV series from Warner Bros. will explore the wizarding world "more in depth" than the film series did, an executive has said.Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Warner Bros. Television Group chairman and CEO Channing Dungey admitted "there's not a lot to talk about yet" but made clear the company is looking to go deeper into Harry Potter lore than the films did."We’ve got our fantastic writing staff in place and they are doing what they need to do," Dungey said. "And casting calls have opened up in the UK and Ireland, so the process is moving along. It’s going quite well."It’s an unbelievable dream, honestly, and as somebody who is a huge fan of books, the opportunity to get to explore them in maybe a little bit more in depth than you can in just a two hour film, that’s the whole reason we’re on this journey."
How to Watch Harry Potter in Chronological Order
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